I'm probably going to make quite a few people angry with this, but I'm throwing caution to the wind because Maggie Gyllenhaal's performance in SherryBaby is one of the best I've ever seen.
As someone who has been personally affected by drug addiction and alcoholism, SherryBaby, about a parolee looking to clean up her life to take care of her young daughter, really hit home for me. It features a selfless, courageous performance from Gyllenhaal that easily should have earned her an Academy Award nomination, and probably a win.
2006 was a crowded year for actresses, but there is one nominee I feel should have been out to make room for Maggie. The fact that Meryl Streep got a Best Actress nod for a supporting role in a mediocre chick flick over Gyllenhaal's astounding work here is beyond criminal.
This Meryl-mania has got to stop, simply for the reason that other actresses who turn in wonderful performances are being overlooked year after year in favor of lighter-than-air roles that Streep could play in her sleep. A bitch fashionista is not a character that Meryl had to work hard to play. I'm sure she meets them everyday in Hollywood.
Gyllenhaal, on the other hand, turned in a mesmerizing performance that deserved far more recognition than it got. Her desperate, terrifyingly accurate turn as Sherry is one that will be seared into my mind for a long time.
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