First is Kris Tapley at In Contention, who thinks it is their best film since Fargo, possibly since Barton Fink:
"The film is beautifully abstract, making the impact of its thought-provoking ideas all the more profound. It features a central performance that could seem merely capbale at first notice, but has a certain refined quality the more one considers it. And there is a remarkable rhythm to the film, a reminder of the Coens’ brilliance at orchestration and craft."
IndieWIRE's Anne Thompson chimes in with raves as well:
"This movie is utterly assured, personal, serious, sad and very funny. The Coens are in top form."
The Coens are a sure thing lately. A Serious Man opens October 2, and it's looking to be one you won't want to miss. Surprise, surprise.
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