Saturday, October 17, 2009

Recasting Classics: Dr. Strangelove

Nobody panic! As far as I know, there is no plan to remake Dr. Strangelove. Seriously, you'd be idiotic even to attempt it. Besides the fact that Peter Sellers was one of the best comedic actors of all time, the Cold War paranoia just isn't relevant today. But as I told you last time, these are just for fun! Most of us film lovers are wholly against remakes, but if we had to cast a classic film with today's stars, who would we pick?
That's the question with Dr. Strangelove. Any ideas? Is there a comedic actor working today good enough to play all three of Peter Sellers' roles? Who would you pick to bring the funny if they ever updated the film?


MovieNut14 said...

Personally, I can't picture anyone beside Peter Sellers doing all those roles.

Univarn said...

I know who they would try to cast: Jim Carrey... and that's about as close as they would be able to get.

To be honest there's just so many roles in that film that only worked because of the actors they had available. There's no modern George C. Scott, much in the same way as there's no modern Peter Sellers.

Ellen said...

Yeah, I'd say Jim Carey and Steve Carell would probably be approached, even though neither of them is good enough to fill Sellers' shoes.

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